

About a month ago I purchased a black ocellaris for my new 29 gallon tank, she was originally in a reef tank with a mate, but now they were being kept in seperate tanks, I don't know why. Today I went back to the LFS and on impulse purchased the other black ocellaris, I figures both would now be female so I put a tank seperator in before adding the new one. I needed to leave for an appointment, but the original ocellaris was charging the seperator trying to get at the new addition.
Well long story short I come home and they are both on the same side of the tank, the original ocellaris which is larger is now fluttering sideways next to the new one. Is it possible they remembered one another and resumed their original relationship? The larger is definately acting male.


i dont no if they remembered each other but nature will take over and one will be dominate. i have a pair of O.clows and the fluttering thing happened for a while as the were getting towards adult size. and the larger one should be acting female not male