"black algae" in refuge


I just noticed that I was getting the black algae, I believe that is what it is anyway, and I am rather concerned. My refuge is a few weeks old and was doing fine until I put my heater in there. Since then I have had an explosion of hair algae in there and now this. I have since removed it and disconnected the refuge. My corals are all closed up and one of my feather dusters dropped its crown. My question is, besides moving my heater, what should I do? The refuge is one of the cpr hang on units filled with Kent biosediment (about 4" worth). Should it ne dumped and I start over? Will stiring the sand get rid of it? Thanks for any suggestions.


Totally off the subjext here but I have seen this "Bump" for some time now and If I dont find out what it means I going to die! hehe, Can you please tell me?


You had me all excited--but what it does is move the post back to the top...it just is a way of saying that is what you did.


when you moved your heater was if off an cooled down?
if not you could have made a tiny crack an shorted it causein all these ill side effects.... other then that, did your new fuge get anything in it? a chemical solvent anything that messed up param's or poisoned the tank?