black algea


i am getting this black algea on my sand any idea what it seems like it is red benieth the sand....also the other pic is an anenome i got some time ago and was wondering if it was a rose bubble tip. it was just listed as bubble tip when i got it...i also included a pic with red algea im thinking coraline but not sure



Active Member
It looks like Cyanobacteria to me. Not a good thing to have, try and blow some of it away with a turkey baster and syphon it out. How long is your light cycle? What kind of water are you using?


Definitely looks like Cyano.
Can you post your water parameters and a full tank shot?
How's your flow?
What kind of CUC do you have?
Do you have fish? If so, what are they, how often do you feed, what do you feed?
How long has this tank been up and running?

small triggers

Active Member
My vote is cyano to ,,, keep in mind this is a bacteria not an algae, and as such it grows much faster... siphon out as much as you can and do a water change,,, also when was the last time you changed your filter media?.....all the regular questions water #'s?.......


the tank is a 125 it has been running now over 8 months. i have a rena 4 and i change or clean the filter almost every sunday. i do a 20 to 30 gallon water change every 2 weeks like clock water comes from pacif east aquaculture.
my peramiters as of yesterday
ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate .05 phosphates 0 alkaline 11 dk calcium 550
salinity 1.026 ph 8.2
live stock: 1 yellow tang 1blue reef chromis 2 tomatoe clowns 2 fire gobbies
1 lawnmower blennie 1 serpant star 1 RBTA
CUC: about 20 hermits a few snails


i forgot my flow i have 4 power heads one breaking the water on top and the others placed at 3 diferent levels i used the 20x meathod to figure my flow i may have a bit of an overkill there but the water moves nicely. i am running a skimmer and i feed i cube of food daily. my lighting may be an issue i do leave it on to long im sure. i am an early riser and late to bed and spend alot of time in my office and like to look at it.


i had cyano for about the first year or so. suck it out. i also noticed that when i started adding calcium it went away. i dont know if that was just a coincidence or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by raymond2688
ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate .05 phosphates 0 alkaline 11 dk calcium 550
salinity 1.026 ph 8.2
ammonia and nitrites at zero, i'll believe. i don't even test those anymore. trates and phosphates at or near zero in an 8 month old tank is highly suspect. especially since:
Originally Posted by raymond2688
i feed i cube of food daily.
frozen food has very high phosphates in it. i've never really seen a test that shows .05 nitrates unless you spent a good amount for them. what test kits are you using (i may want to buy one...)? what is most likely happening is all this "algae" is eating up the nitrates/phosphates giving you a zero reading.
Originally Posted by renogaw

dynoflaggelates... cyano doesn't capture bubbles
with your flow and your test results, you don't have cyano. you have dynoflaggelates. only thing that is odd is your pH is 8.2 and dyno usually occurs a little bit lower.


nitrate was a typo nitrates are 20 and phosephates are 0 on my test kit i know that it is impossible to get that and im sure it is near 0 but that is my what my test kit says.
if frozen food is not a good thing than what would be the recomended food...
also as far as the ph i have been strugling with that and dont pay to much attention to it as long as my alkalinity is right but took the test so i could post the results. the air bubbles are no longer in the algea those bubbles stem from me cleaning the skimmer it alsways throws micro bubbles a couple hours after i clean it


oh and i completely agree with the test being wrong due to the algea...i have gone threw a few different types of blooms from brite green to hair algea and most of it is gone i believe from water changes.


Active Member
ok, that makes more sense heh. i know salifert nitrate test kits can get down under 1.0 but didn't think it could get down to .05 hehe. as for phosphates, there isn't a test out there that will accurately read zero, without using electronic test instruments. i've been researching both kits since i'm going to start dosing vodka and you need GOOD test kits/accurate results.
ok, if the micro bubbles are coming from your skimmer and not the bacteria, then yes, most likely it is cyano (would make sense with your normal pH).
this was my dino:

as for food... that's an ongoing debate. the *best* food you can feed is mushed up sea food (clams, shrimp, muscles, etc) smells nasty and looks like:

but, that's quite honestly IMO a nitrate factory. my fish never eat it all, my corals never eat it all, and my clean up crew ends up eating it and not the algae in the tank...
on a daily basis, i feed Sera flakes with tidbits or formula 2 flakes. i supplement with sea veggies (flaked up dried algae), mysid shrimp, and my mush. **supposedly*** my nitrates are as close to zero and my phosphates are unreadable...i also have a variety of nasty algaes all through out my sump, overflow, and a little on some rocks. i even have cyano in my sump, but it's eating nutrients and not going to the main tank, so ehh.


well i never really cared about the other algea because it in a sense was taking care of my nitrate problem but that black stuff is horable...i sucked it all up today and did a 20 gallon water change and will do another one on sunday thanks all