black algea


New Member
i have a 25 eclpse tank w/ a yellow tang and a percula clown. I've noticed a slimey, stringy black algea growing on the corals, and garvel. I used to have this brown algea that stained my corals, now i don't leave my light on very long, and instead i now have this black algea. ps. I'm a beginner and have only had mty first tank for a few months, is 25 gallons enough for a percula clown, yellow tang, and hippo tang? Please help i'm very frusturated!


Staff member
When you say "coral" are you talking about dead coral heads or live coral? What type of lighting do you have?
My guess is that it is not really black, rather dark green hair algae.


New Member
Originally posted by Beth:
<STRONG>When you say "coral" are you talking about dead coral heads or live coral? What type of lighting do you have?
My guess is that it is not really black, rather dark green hair algae.</STRONG>