black and white clown question

i bought 2 false black and white clown fish 2 days ago from swf. they arrived in great shape and i put them in the tank at the same time hoping they will be friends. they didn't even fight a little and were immediate friends. now two days later one of the fish...the smaller one is just swimming under a ledge and the bigger one if staying by him watching the other fish swim in the tank.
the larger fish looks like he is gaurding him or something. there is no damage visible to either fish. is there something wrong here that i don't know? or is this normal?
edit** after watching them more the larger fish is kind of swimming ontop of the smaller one not hurting or headbutting just hovering over the fish and sometime touching but not hitting


Active Member
clowns typically find a spot in the tank that they prefer and will call it there home if you would. my 2 B&W clowns always stay on the right side of my tank in the same general area. As long as they are not fighting and are eating properly then everything should be fine.


Active Member
every clown has a diffrent personality. my bigger one is a MONSTER! the female will attack anything that goes near its mate. i was moving around some rock today and it was attacking my hand in a very aggressive way. i tried scaring her but she came back to attack again. but i love her =]