black and white ocelarris?


I had a "pair" of black and white ocellaris clownfish until I got a superquadrimeanieassus pseudocromis that killed one of them before I could get him out!!! He has passed 3 years later and I have combined my two smaller tanks into 1. The original black and white ocellaris is still kicking and I am wondering...can I try to pair a black and white with an orange and white one? I'm not ready to spend another 70 or however much dollars to try and pair a couple of clowns again...I tried once with maroons and that did not work!!! What would the colors be if they mated? Thanks...


You own both these clowns already and they've just been in separate tanks?
It might not work if this is the case, since both are now females and have matured and been on their own for awhile.
When black and whites and orange and whites mate, you get a little mixture of everything. Mostly, they look like Perculas.


No, I apologize.....out of the original pair, the pseudocromis killed one of them. So I had the pseudocromis in one tank and the clown and other friendlys in another tank. Now that the pseudo has died I combined both and would like to try and get some clowns to mate. So the Black and White I have now is pretty good sized...I have had her about 5 years. And I wanted to try and introduce an Orange and White to see what happened. I would assume I would need to try a smaller Orange and White, correct?


That will actually work better. Yes, a smaller one is needed because yours is most certainly female. I wouldn't go with a very young one, especially if she has ever shown any aggression, but certainly smaller than her.


I'd say that is probably your basic Black and White Ocellaris. The only color morph I ever really see with the percula is the "picasso" designation. Most of the color morphs are of the A. ocellaris species.