Black angler/ frog fish


New Member
I seen at my local pet store a fish that they called a black angler. After searching the internet to find out about it, it also came up called a frog fish. It looked like this but the fish was all black. I was wondering if anyone could tell me about it and what kind of fish it can be placed with.


anglers and frogfish are pretty much the same thing, w/ frogfish lacking the luring spine. That said anglers/frogfish are piscavores and eat anything that can fit into their mouths including their tankmates. In general frogfish are best kept in a tank by themselfs or w/ tank mates at least 2-3 times bigger than the frogfish. However 2-3 times does not mean these fish are safe.
Also you can't have tankmates which pick on the frogfish and harass it, so its a balancing act.
As to what to feed the frogfish, live ghost shrimp, small damsels and small Sw fish.
By the way color on a frogfish manes nothing, these fish are the ultimate camoflauge machines and can match any color in their environment givien appropiate color cues.
Lastly, the fish you've ID is actually an unknown frogfish sp. which means it could be any one of the dozen or so speciec which come in. The image is of a baby A.commersons (which get to be about 12-15" long) but there are a number of smaller species. I would try to see the fish before you by it so you get an idea of what size fish it can eat and how safe your current tankmates are