black cap


New Member
My black cap has finally started to come out of hiding. Mostly when I feed the blue damsel. I always see my damsel darting around the black cap's rock, so I think he trying to comfort him. :p That sounds silly, but I swear the black cap seems to like his company. He comes out more often while the blue damsel swims around his rock. My daughter loves to watch him, but my husband says he still hasn't seen the black cap. I got some beautiful pictures, though and I'll post them soon! :D Thanks for everyone's help. I'm glad he's finally coming out!


That is a good sign.
Beware though, damsels may attack Black Cap. I have seen damsel attacked Royal Gamma(same family). IMO I would not put Damsel family and Basslet falimy together in a same tank.
If your feeding schedule are consistence. You will see your black cap more often.
Black Cap is a beautiful fish. I have one in my reef tank :)