Black circles on Maroon Clown's fins

sal t. nutz

My Maroon clown appears healthy, eating fine, and not rubbing on rocks or anything, but he has big black circles on all his fins. I have heard on the board, talk of small white circles, but these are big black ones. They are the size of dimes almost. Anyone know what this is? Is it normal? He is my first fish, so I wouldn't even know if this was normal or not.


Staff member
The size of "dimes"?? How big is your clownfish??? How many circles are there?
How long have you had the clown? And how old is the clown?
Did the circles develop suddently or gradually? Are they raised or do they seem like skin coloration?

sal t. nutz

I may have exagerated the size after looking at him again. He is medium sized for a maroon clown, and the circles look like coloration, not raised. There are like 2 on each fin. I have only had him for a week.


Staff member
They are likely young clowns---changing coloration a natural process as the fish mature.