black clownfish?


One of my newest additions!!! Is this the perculara or ocelaris? And if I get another to try and pair with it, should I get an orange or a black to try and have black fry? Thanks..


just got the other one...there were 3 in the tank at the lfs. I bought one last weekend. it seemed to get along with one of the others, but the other of the three stayed hid. When I went back and bought my 2nd one this weekend I think I got the one that this one did not like ! They seemed to get along at first very excited ..then went to fighting for awhile but have since calmed down and seem to stick together now. I assume they are O.K. now? How long will it be until they could lay they have to be older?


Quarantining fish is putting new tank mates in a seperate tank for 1-2 months to make sure they are healthy, eating, and no parasites. It is highly recommended, but I think we have all been giulty of not using a QT. I also think we have all had losses or issues from not using one. Also about the laying eggs who knows could be 2 months or never or anywhere in between. Usually about 1-2years of age.