Black discharge from Zoas


Active Member
Hi there,
I am some what new to SW and just got my first corals last week. One of my Zoanthids is discharging black tar like stuff from the heads. Does anyone know what this is? Is it safe, or is it a sign that they are not doing well?


It's zooxanthellae. This is the algae that lives inside of most corals (except non-photosynthetics). Sometimes they just do this when introduced to a new environment and recover fine, and sometimes this is a sign that something is wrong and they'll die. I'm going to say it's just due to the introduction of a new environment, but could you post your water parameters?


Active Member
Thanks BTLDreef,
When I tested yesterday everything was great. My nitrites were at 10 and ph was 8.2, but other then that all the levels were good. I only have a SW master test kit. I am planning on picking up a reef test kit. So I just have the basic tests. They are rather new to my tank still so I hope it is just adjusting to their new enviroment.
BTW. I read your post on your car getting hit in the parking garage. That is some major BS. Make sure your attorney friend gets them to make it right. And your Filefish are great looking, good luck weening them!!


Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///forum/thread/380694/black-discharge-from-zoas#post_3313863
Thanks BTLDreef,
When I tested yesterday everything was great. My nitrites were at 10 and ph was 8.2, but other then that all the levels were good. I only have a SW master test kit. I am planning on picking up a reef test kit. So I just have the basic tests. They are rather new to my tank still so I hope it is just adjusting to their new enviroment.
BTW. I read your post on your car getting hit in the parking garage. That is some major BS. Make sure your attorney friend gets them to make it right. And your Filefish are great looking, good luck weening them!!
Thanks :) I'm having a hell of a time weening these guys!
More than likely, they just needed to adjust. Did you just drop them in your tank, or did you acclimate them?
NitrItes at 10 is not a good thing. Do a water change. You want your nitrites to be 0ppm at all times. NitrAtes at 10 is okay, not great, but not horrible either. I can't get my nitrates to ever go below 2.5.
How do they look today?


Active Member
You are right. The nitrates are at 10. Not nitrites. My NitrItes were at 0.00 and have been once the tank cycled. Sorry for the mistype. I am still new at this.
And yes i did acclimate them for about an hour and a half.
I was running a little late for work today so I did not get a chance to check. My wife will check when she gets back from running errands.
Should I do a small water change anyways??
Is there anything else I can do to help?


Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///forum/thread/380694/black-discharge-from-zoas#post_3313873
You are right. The nitrates are at 10. Not nitrites. My NitrItes were at 0.00 and have been once the tank cycled. Sorry for the mistype. I am still new at this.
And yes i did acclimate them for about an hour and a half.
I was running a little late for work today so I did not get a chance to check. My wife will check when she gets back from running errands.
Should I do a small water change anyways??
Is there anything else I can do to help?
Well, I'm glad it's nitrates and not nitrites, that makes me feel better!
A small water change can't hurt, especially if you have a nitrate reading.
The best thing you can do for now is just keep and eye on them and leave them alone. If you see more come out or they look like they're melting, then it's time to worry. My mushrooms spit out excess zooxanthallae every now and they and they're fine.


Active Member
Okay Good.
I will keep an eye on them. The wife says they look good and no more black stuff. I will mix up some water tonight and do the change tomorrow. Thanks for you help.