Black Durgeon/Hawaiian Trigger fish

ledzep fan

Active Member
Hey everyone I just wanted a little info on this Trigger. Like how big they get, what they eat, how big of a tank they need, etc,. I'm moving my tank and all the rock soon and wanted to add a fish after all it's done. I've had my eye on this particulor species and wanted to get some information.
Thanks in advance,
The Zep


Active Member
I just got one and it is in QT now. Although the Black Durgeon and the Yellow tail are both Melicthys Nigers the Black Durgeon gets as big as 8 to 10 inches and the YellowTail gets about 12 to 14 inches.
Mine came to me at about 5 to 6 inches. They are difficult to get in a smaller size. So far he is a good fish and nice looking. I will hopefully be able to post a picture tomorrow. Seems to be a fairly peacefull fish at this point.
You can feed them what you feed most fish but mostly meaty. I feed mine formula 1, and 2 frozen and pellet, mysis, cyclops, fresh frozen fish mix of shrimp, scallops, clam, squid, carrots and broccoli soaked in fresh garlic and vita-chem.


Active Member
I wouldnt say they have the same requirements as the Pinktail, but close.
They get larger than the Pinktail...I've seen Durgeons as big as 15".
I had one, for quite a while, at aprox. 6" - 8". He would take a swipe at my large hermits, every once in a while, but other than that, was a pretty peaceful fish. Lived happily with a 15" Volitan, 8" Blue Throat Trigger, 6" Clown Trigger, and my Morays. Never cause any problems...not even with fact, I have quite a few pics of him and the Lion hanging out all the time.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Thanks for all the replies guys. I was just thinking of a fish to add to my 120 because i lost a few fish. Also i was moving my 120 and all the rock would be moved so there would be new territories made. Any other suggestions on fish you guys? I thought that a trigger would be good because i have some aggressive fish in the tank right now and a Trigger i thought could take the beating. Hey hatesSushi, got any pics of him?

ledzep fan

Active Member
or maybe a pinktail trigger? the tank already has a yellow tang, porcupine puffer, snowflake eel, Koran angel, and a pinstripe wrasse. So what do you guys think?


ledzep fan i can give you a site to buy one for a good price if you want it, just give me your email. and i will do a little research for you.


Active Member
I had to feed him to get him to come out. He is still in QT. I just got him on Wednesday so he will be in there for a while. BTW he changes color alot so the coloring is a bit different between these pics. I took the second one the day I got him.


ledzep fan

Active Member
HatesSushi, that Trigger is beautiful! How big is he? Does anyone now how big they get? I am really leaning towards the Black Hawaiian Trigger instead of the Pinktail. What do you guys think. Thanks for all your help so far.
The Zep


Active Member
He's about 6 inches. The lines around his eyes change color also. From what I have researched the Black Durgeon grow to 8 inches but can get as big as 10 inches, probably mostly in the wild.
AW2x3 stated he has seen them as big as 15 inches and that they are bigger then the PinkTail but all the research I did indicated Pinktail to 14 inches and Black Durgeon to 10 inches but that is probably the normal large sizes and there are probably some exceptions to the rule. I think you can do one in your 120. I have mine in a 90 but will upgrade in about a year so he should be ok.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Thanks HatesSushi, my tank is getting moved in mid january and my plan was to have rocks and one side and rocks on another thus giving the fish for swimming space. I wanted to finish my tank by adding a Trigger and I plan on getting this one. How do you like yours so far?


Active Member
We love him, he is so graceful, he comes out more now especially when it's time to eat. I use a syringe to feed and he came up and started biting on the end of it. We also can't wait until he goes into the DT. The pictures don't show a lot of color in him probably since it's a QT was just 2x15 watt incandesent blue bulb in the hood so it's not so bright.
I really like this one, it's what I really wanted but couldn't find one so we got a bluejaw trigger which is also a really beautiful fish but he had lymphocystis and died. But I think it was more a water issue cause my PH dropped off really low late at night and he tried to jump before I realized what was happening. Then by chance I got an email from that they got a black in so I grabbed it. Glad I did. Sorry for the long wind.


New Member
I have had a black hawaiin for about 8 months. Very shy at first but he came out of his shell. He is very active now and is always out. And knows as soon as I get home and begs to be fed. Get used to the colour changes, the first time you see god awful white and think he going to die, don't worry :) he got black again.
One word or caution, I had him with a dog face puffer, volitan lion, blue tang, snowflake eel, and other than chasing the eel around from time to time every was fine for 7 months no issues at all. Trigger, puffer and lion all swam around together no issues. Went to vegas for 3 days got home and my lion was ganged raped. I don't know for sure if it was the trigger or the puffer, and will never know the lion died the next day, all his fins and spines were totally gone including his back fin. Just happened right out of the blue.
Here is a link to pics I posted.

ledzep fan

Active Member
I am sry to hear about your loss of the Lionfish. I had one a couple of months ago too and he also died the same way yours died.
On the other hand great pics of your Trigger! I'm planning on getting one so any info or suggestions are welcome.
The Zep


I also had a lionfish that didn't last long and I think it was either my puffer or trigger that did him in, his fins were beautiful but eventually got torn up.


Hates Sushi the fish you currently own is an indian ocean trigger Melichthys Indicus, it is not a black hawaiian trigger Melichthys Niger. If you look at the link of the aquariums in the restaurant those are Black Hawaiian triggers. Very similar in appearance but the colors the hawaiian displays are much more colorful than that of the Indian Ocean Trigger. The indian ocean trigger color range is black to a yellowish green. Black hawaiian displays teal, gold, red, green, not to mention the lines on the head of this fish are much more appealing than that of the indian ocean trigger.