black fungal disease of crustose coralline algae

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Having found what looked to me like black coraline algae growing on a piece of LR in my DT and never having seen it anywhere else I decided to investigate.
I do not think the mods will have a problem with me posting the link. Has anyone else encountered this in his or her tanks? The piece of rock in the pic was broken off from a larger section. I have the “black coraline" in saltwater and will reach out to Mote Marine tomorrow for some more info.
The picture makes the black coraline look slimy but it is not, it is hard and incrusting. Rock has been in my DT for a year

florida joe

Well-Known Member
You will have to zoom the article to read it but let me know what you think.
Henry if you look between the Ricordea and the Zoos in this pic you can see the dark area where it started


Interesting find Joe. Who knew that coraline could have "diseases".
BTW--Nice coraline growth in your tank.


Active Member
when I zoomed it just blurred the words. how does this happen and what does it mean for the rest of the tank?


Active Member
Wonder if this is the same thing, noticed this spot on my spray bar and then found another spot on my rockwork.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Could very well be. Were you able to open the link I posted and read the article? Pretty amazing if it is showing up in our tanks


Active Member
Yes I did, and after reading through the ariticle I am pretty sure that that is what I have in my tank also or at least something very similar. The ocean is an amazing place, even the litttle pieces of it we keep in our homes.


Active Member
Some of the strangest things like this show up in our tanks. I had a bout a few years back with what I thought at the time was "Black Plate Algae". May have been the same stuff........It was difficult to get rid of. Had to bleach with a small brush the infected areas, then rinse well after letting the bleach sit on the spots for a few minites.



Active Member
I have never heard of either....I have a similar rock with what looks similar to your pic of black plate algae...Will do some more research


Originally Posted by big
Some of the strangest things like this show up in our tanks. I had a bout a few years back with what I thought at the time was "Black Plate Algae". May have been the same stuff........It was difficult to get rid of. Had to bleach with a small brush the infected areas, then rinse well after letting the bleach sit on the spots for a few minites.

that looks like Padina
algae to me.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Yes my friends that was my first thought. My only reservation was the time factor involved in what most blue sponges look like compared to what I have.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by big
Hey Joe, here is my blue sponge to compare with yours.

I like your sponges they are really pretty!
Another person some time back had some tar looking stuff on his rock. I can't remember the post.
The person that wrote that article may be interested in your piece of rock Joe. You should try and contact him.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Flower
I like your sponges they are really pretty!
Another person some time back had some tar looking stuff on his rock. I can't remember the post.
The person that wrote that article may be interested in your piece of rock Joe. You should try and contact him.
Yea I talk to that person every day thats why people think I am crazy