black ich or stings?


New Member
my clowns suddenly have black spots all over them. i added some things (snails, crabs, rock) to the tank the other day that had been in quarantine 5 weeks. and now the black spots. my foxface doesn't have any spots at all, could he have stung the clowns? they have been together a couple months already. the other thing it may be was there was a lot of aipstasia on the rock which my peppermints ate the first day.
if it is stings will it go away in a few days, or if it is black ich will the foxface get it too? i need a way to tell, i don't want to go through trying to catch them for nothing...
i cannot get a picture my camera doesn't take good closeups and also the fish never hold still.


Take a look at the pictures of Hyper-melaninization in the Diseased Fish FAQ. There are examples of black ich there as well. Black ich is small dots. Hyper-Melaninization will be more of small blotches.