Black Ich....what to do


New Member
Let me first start by admitting the fact that Im a fool.
I have a healthy list of fish that have remained parasite free for months. Last weekend I purchased a small, nickle sized blue tang to my system without putting it into a QT. BIG stupid mistake.
On tues I noticed the blue tang developing a black bubbly infection on its upper and lower fins. It's sides also had black splotches. After researching I ID'ed it as black Ich. Upon coming home to this poor sick little fish I immediately set up and moved the fish to a QT. I came home yesterday to find my yellow tang developing black dots smaller than a grain of sand.
Current fish list:
Maroon clown
blue spotted watchman
lawnmower blennie
scooter blennie
yellow tang
blue tang (in QT)
I started bathing the blue tang in freshwater yesterday and plan on doing so every three days and keeping it in QT until the infection ceases or the fish dies. I read up on proper bathing procedures just to make sure I do it correctly....aeration, temp, ph match with 5 min in freshwater
I have a 75 gal reef set up and there is no way ill be able to pull 150lbs of rock out to get the lawnmower or watchman. It will be a miracle if I catch my yellow tang.
Are all fish succeptible to black ich? Should I start digging graves for the fish I cant get out? Most of my fish are so dark I cant even tell if they get infected. I feel like im gonna spend the next two weeks watching my fish slowly die. Im so bummed out I can barely focus at work.
What should I do? Im at a total loss here.


Staff member
You're not a fool, you're just a hobbyist who didn't QT and will likely learn from your mistake.
The FW dip is not the correct procedure. Please take a look at the yellow tang with black ich in the Diseased Fish Thread at the top of this forum to see if you can get a positive ID. The correct threatment for black ich is detailed in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum, also at the top of this forum. The post is on Formalin Baths.
If you follow that procedure all the fish should be fine.