Black Ich


My tang has black ich. What causes it? I haven't added new fish and my water is:
Nitrite 0, amonia 0, ph 8.2, nitrate 40. I know its high in nitrate so I did a water change. But that doesn't explane the reason for black ich. I have put him in the hospital tank and treated with Rx-P. I did a fresh water dip first to help him feel better but he looks miserable. Help!! :confused:


Thanks. The wierd thing is that he was great last night before bed, when I turned off the light and this morning laying on the sub. breathing rapidly. I also noticed the white spots like ich but it happened so fast. I have never seen this. I am treating with Rx-p. is that the best. He is qt. should I use something stronger? I don't want him to die, he is my fav.


I checked on him about 15 min ago and he is looking really sad. still laying on sub. I feel helpless. Once they get to this point is there any hope for recovery? :confused: