I brought a yellow tang home from the LFS a few days ago and put him into QT. 24hrs later he was scratching repeatedly, so I decided to treat him with hyposalinity, assuming he had ich. However, at 48hrs he had not white, but black specs on him. After doing some research, I realized it's turbellaria, and I need to get my hands on some formalin.
What I'm wondering is, until I get the formalin, is there anything else I can do? I've been putting garlic and zoe on the food. The SG is 1.014 right now, I suspended the trip to 1.009 when I saw the black spots, but I'm thinking I may has well treat him with hypo anyway. I was going to do a FW dip tonight, but the specs have diminshed somewhat, and he's active & eating, so I didn't want to stress him out.
OK, I've blabbed enough. Opinions and suggestions please!
What I'm wondering is, until I get the formalin, is there anything else I can do? I've been putting garlic and zoe on the food. The SG is 1.014 right now, I suspended the trip to 1.009 when I saw the black spots, but I'm thinking I may has well treat him with hypo anyway. I was going to do a FW dip tonight, but the specs have diminshed somewhat, and he's active & eating, so I didn't want to stress him out.
OK, I've blabbed enough. Opinions and suggestions please!