Black ick on live rock?

a short

Can black ick be introduced on live rock? I have researched some black spots my clowns that have suddenly had appear sprinkled on them. It looks like black pin dots at the base of fins and tail area mainly. I have introduced live rock in the past 2 weeks 2 times. I had a major accident 5 days ago when my light hood corner fell in the tank and shocked fish and me for a split second and the breaker flipped (thank goodness!) The fish were kinda weirded out for about 1-2 min. but seemed fine. The florecent bulb burst and I was afraid some chemical might have leaked into the water. Is this something to be concerned about? All the shrooms and polyps seem unafected by all this but this is when I noticed the fish not as active and not feeding as well and the spots just seemed to show up. My tank has only had a small NO light till new lights arive friday. I have noticed one of the clowns playing around in my pagoda cup coral latley. Will it sting them and make such black pin dots as a result? Maby they are just acting weird because of the lack of light. Sorry so blabby, just the way I am:D I will post pics late tommorow night with hubbys company camera.


Active Member
I think I read a similar post not to long ago.
The response was that corals may be stinging them. :D

a short

I think it is the coral stinging them also but the black spots are very dark and pin point looking, not blotchy looking like the pics I have looked at. Can you introduce infections/parasites via live rock or corals? I plan on intoducing many more corals as time goes on and just curious.

a short

Here is a fuzzy pic of what I am talking about. The dot is between the last two stripes on the lower section of orange and at the base of the front fin. There are many more sprinkled on the fish but I only had one shot on a borrowed digi cam and had to keep trying again and again and again.....................


My YT had Black ick when I first got him. I read of a few different ways to treat. But since the tank was newly stocked at the time, I followed a person's advice and got a neon goby (he ate these parasites every mornin') real cool to watch. But I also got a cleaner shrimp because I couldn't decide between the two, I got both. You wouldn't believe how well it worked. The YT was down near that shrimp every chance he got and when he wasn't the neon was attached to him like those parasite fish on sharks. Real neat to watch...ANYWAY, my point... Haven't seen any more Black ick since. Even if it isn't BI, can't hurt to have a neon and a cleaner shrimp in the tank.:)


Oh, but I forgot to mention...sand sticks very easily to a fish's slime coat. So you may simply have grains of sand on him. Lot of people mistake that for ick, or black ick if the color matched. Is he flashing at all??? You know, scratching?


Staff member
That is likely Hyper-Melaninization. Take a look at the Diseased Fish thread. Basically a freckle, just like humans.

a short

thanks for the info, they are not flashing. after watching them closely for the past few days they are spending a lot of time hosting the cup coral. Funny they don't even look at the anemone in the tank. Guess they are just getting stung.