black n white chromis sick


Active Member
hes about two weeks in the tank... hes breathing heavy, seems like a yellow mouth and reddish next to the gills... he dosen't eat either... what could this be? all the other fish in the tank are fine...


if a damsel is doing that bad something is really wrong with maybe a couple of things. the biggest thing i would think of is the water quality. the next is how you acclimated him to the tank. the next is how much oxygen is being put into the tank. specifics would help.


Yeah yeah, id definatly start with water quality tests. Cos damsels are usually pretty tough... Nitrate killed mine when i first started.


Active Member
see thats what i was thinking too, the acclimation was perfect, i follow all the rules for over a yr now (drip method)
but i have a hawain puffer, yellow tamg, and perc clown, all pretty hardy and great colors.. i am doing a water change today, we'll see what happens