Black Ocellaris


New Member
Does anyone know if it possible to obtain a mated pair of one black ocellaris (false percula) and a normal orange ocellaris clown? I know that they are the same family, but it is my understanding that they come from different geographic regions in the Indian ocean.


Last I heard the breeder of black clowns had a pretty good "personal job security" deal going. He was sterilizing them before shipping. That was just what I've heard though. They're starting to be more common where I imagine others are breeding them now also. Even if others are though, I doubt to many will want to let go of a currently mated pair.


I had that going on for a while. I had a black and white percula and a regular false percula that always swam together. The black was bigger and he dominated the tank. I thought they had paired they did some of the rituals that mated pairs do. This went on for about 2 months. Then I purchased a black and white percula from and all of the sudden the relationship broke my black percula was all over the false percula forcing him away. My false percula had a few lonely nights. Till I moved him to my Boss's 125 gallon. Now my 2 black perculas have created a love bond and are always seen swimming together. I think they have paired. I'm hoping to see some eggs soon. They are already cleaning off a spot on the live rock.