black or white background???


Active Member
ok so i was looking at my tank earlier... a couple months ago i switch into a bigger tank without a background and it is still like that... im trying to decide whether or not to use white or black (i hate blue)... i was wondering if i could get some opinions....
white- my sand is bright white and i love the way everything shows up on it... i think it would make my rocks more look more colorful and make the tank brighter... however you would be able to see all the algea on the back wall... but i figured it might motivate me to clean the glass more often. also, you dont see many tanks with white backgrounds (although maybe there is a reason for this) and i think it would look interesting... idk
black- i think it makes the tank look deeper (from front to back) and it might make colors on the fish rocks sponges coral etc. look richer... also when the back glass gets dirty you wouldnt be able to see it as well... especially oce school starts and i have little time for maintenence.
thanks for your opinion!


i prefer a navy blue or black personally. seems more like you're looking into the deep dark ocean. you could always try a dark gray to get the best of both worlds. might look kinda like rock perhaps.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
thats a freakin awesome idea! lol. itd take a long time though, cuz im using vinyl!
what type of vinyl?


Active Member
the kind they make signs with. its sticky on one side... the kind that was on my old tank had little hashes in it so it didnt get bubbles... actually i think its the stuff they put on trucks... anyways yeah. it has a backing on it and you just peel it off and stick it to the back of the tank... and if your a neuro surgeon, it should look halfway decent.


Active Member
actually you cant even tell if you do a good job, it almost looks like its painted on, and the best part with vinyl as opposed to the tape on ones or paint is salt doesnt get underneath and you can change it.


black is the best way to go IMO. If not black then a really really really dark, darker than midnight blue, would do.


I personaly have never seen a white background on a tank so am interested on how it looks. It seems like it would be cool, almost


New Member
I'm new to SaltWater, but I would say Black because with the light it will bring out the colors of every thing in your tank.


Black looks so much better, the only thing that white does is hide any salt creep you have but, black makes everything stand out.