black percula compatibility

I recently purchased a smnall black percula clown. He was in the tank for about 3 weeks when i got another one. The 2nd was slightly bigger. For about a week and a half they swam together and seemed to be friends. Now, the slightly larger, most recent clown chases the original clown at times. He doesnt bite at the other one, just chases him like he is trying to push him around.
I confused at what to make of this. I thought that the first, more established fish would have dominance. Since the fish are the same type of clowns, I thought there would be this harmony happening and they would hang out together.
Any ideas what might be going on?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
Some clowns cannot live together unless they are a mated pair or have a large tank so they can each establish its own territory. I just ordered a pair of gold bar maroon clowns and had to get them as a mated pair, or else i couldnt have 2 in the same tank. If you had put them in together they might have been better off. The bigger one will probably continue to harass the smaller one.

ed r

If there is no significant biting going on, I think I would leave them together for a while. Usually the larger fish is or will become a female that will bully the smaller male. As long as the treatment is not too rough, unmated pairs may either pair up or at least be companions. I was able to create a pair with Maroons. They get along well as far as no biting, but there is a lot of pushing the head of one against the body of the other. If things get violent, remove one. Some people have good luck with rearranging the rockwork so both fish see new territory.



Originally posted by Ed R
a female that will bully the smaller male.

Just like a woman.... uh, i mean female...
Thanks for the advice on possibly keeping them in together. I am very tempted to take the larger one out so "she" doesnt stress out the other clown and he come down with ick. I guess i dont want to act too late, but at the same time, I want to hope for a good relationship. Ergggggg. If only these fish could talk.