Black Percula...?


at me lfs they have a small pair of black perculas i have 4 good reference books on fish and up until today i realized none went into any detail about clowns i will have to buy another but until i do can anyone tell me a little about them they seem very healthy and at their size i thought they were baby saddleback clowns but any info would be appreciated


New Member
Hello,I have heard of the saddle back clowns,thats the first thing I thought of when you said they were black and white.I have never really heard of a black and white percula Clown though.My only other guess would be a young maroon clown.When young they look like there black and white.but as they age and get bigger they start to turn a redish maroon with there white stripes.


I have a friend who has one of these. I have occasionally seen them at my lfs. My friend has had his for about a year, they basically follow the same characteristics as a percula clown, omly there black and white. Same size, striping, etc. I think they look awesome.

big dave

Black percs I have been told are a color morph of the standard Occelaris clown. There are several other color morphs including: no-bar, broken-bar, and a white phase. Hope this helps.