Black Percula?


I recently bought a 90 gallon reef tank that has three fish, a yellow tang, a sailfin tang and a black clown. They all get along great so socially it is very stable. I would like to add a friend for my clown but I'm unsure just what is the difference in the black clowns and of course I would want to get the proper kind. This clown is approximately 3" and is totally black with the white stripes with the exception of just around it's mouth which is orange. Are the black and white clowns sold on here the same kind? I don't know much about clowns yet so I'm hoping for some help on here. I don't expect to breed them, I'd just like to add a buddy for this personable guy. If I added another kind of clown or a pair, would there be a war? I know there are no "for sure's" in saltwater, I'd just like some advice from those of you that have clowns.
Thanks in advance!! :happyfish


Active Member
Based on your description, your clown is a black/white ocellaris clown.
If there's yellow on the fins, then it's a black variant of A. polymnus.
If the fins and tail are orange, then it's a black onyx percula.
Adding a single of another kind of clown should be fine, but adding a pair will cause trouble.
Also, when you add another clown, make sure the new guy is smaller than the clown you have right now. Your clown is a female and will fight bigger clowns for dominance.


No, no color other than the ring of orange around "her" mouth. So, this is the same species as the one sold here on this site? Are they hard to find in LFS's? Do you think the odds are good that I could add another of the same or should I go with a totally different kind? I'd like to add a clown and I'd love to have a pair but I don't want to upset the apple cart!
Thanks for your time in answering and helping me to learn........I need help from those that know!


I'm not sure which black clownfish has yellow/orange around the mouth only. If you search the web for black clownfish/black percs/sebae, you should find pictures of them on a bunch of sites. You'll have to sift through quite a bit to confirm the scientific name. Make sure you get the scientific name, as common names are notoriously unreliable.
As for adding another one of the same species to the tank, just make sure it's smaller than the one you have. The largest clownfish in the tank is always the female. If you add one larger now, the existing clown will have to change sexes. This will cause some conflict while it fights for dominance to keep its female status. Once the switch happens, it'll calm down, but just getting a smaller new one to start will avoid that.


Well Riccio, I live midway between Peoria and the QC.
My black clown does have the angled second bar and is entirely black and white except it is dark orange just around his mouth. I believe she has been in this tank for some time and is not real young. I was just at the LFS getting supplies and one guy told me I could go "bi-racial" and add a different kind of clown just make sure it is larger. What do you think about that advice?? I am still in a quandry...............


OK, is this what she looks like?...
If so, she's a A. polymnus, aka saddleback clown.
My advice would be never step foot in that lfs again because their advice is wrong on two notes. If you've had this clown awhile by itself (no other clown), or you believe it's quite old, it's most likely a female. You should add a smaller one of the same species. Do not add another species ("bi-racial"-stupid term) since they will probably fight to the death.
Good luck, Chris


Thanks Chris and the others that have answered this posting. I will try and get a picture of her (the black and white clown) in the morning and post it. My clown is not a saddleback from the picture on that link. I have looked at the picture on this link of the black and white percula clown and she looks like that as far as the stripes go, however the picture on the link doesn't really look black with white stripes and the tail appears to have a white margin on the edge. Mine only has white on the bars and otherwise is totally black except for the bit of orange around the mouth ( as in the polymnus picture) If I can be sure that the black and white clown sold here is in fact the same as mine, I will order from here. Maybe the picture coloring is bad?? I'll post a picture in the morning.
Thanks again everybody!


Here is a picture of my clown. It was very tough getting a pic of her since she doesn't hold still much. The picture makes it appear as though she has a white ring around her tail but in fact it is solid black. So, is this a black or black and white percula???
What do you think?? :happyfish


Go with a much samller black and white ocellarius....I'd say around 1 1/4" in size. If you find them at a LFS make sure you check them out for a while to see who is more or less dominant of the bunch. You would want to purchase one of the ones that is not dominant and is being bullied. Make sure it still looks healthy enough though.
You can also go with a orange and white false percula but I think the black one would get accepted easier.