Black Plague!!!!!!!!!+Chicken Flu


okay well not sure if anyone has heard about this but a couple weeks ago,,, a couple mice with the black plague dissapeared from a lab in new jersey..... i cant find the article though for the life of me

and what do u think of the bird flu!? :scared: seems like some pretty scary stuff and how the only company that makes the bird flu vaccine virus fighter ofer thingy (lol) only has enoughto save a very very small amount of the population! :scared:
this is just a conversation starter if anyone has some interesting factoids or articles to contribute please do!!!!!



Active Member
I am not going to vote in the poll, because I am kind of an in betweenie weenie. lol. I think it is something to worry about because chinese people DO enter america on planes and it is possible, but I dont think it is a HUGE thing to worry least in the U.S.


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
I am not going to vote in the poll, because I am kind of an in betweenie weenie. lol. I think it is something to worry about because chinese people DO enter america on planes and it is possible, but I dont think it is a HUGE thing to worry least in the U.S.
it was also found in canada and europe


Active Member
Was it really? I knew it was found in Europe, but Canada is kinda creepy. Thats SUPER DUPER close to me! Like a few hours away!


Active Member
When it does hit here, it will probably be along the same lines as the Hong Kong Flu
outbreak we had here in the late 1960's. Tamiflu is not going to prevent anything it "MAY" lesson the symptoms.


I saw the plague thing on the news a couple weeks ago. Not too worried,the plague is carried on fleas so im sure the mice died before they got too far to do anything. I'm not too worried about the bird flu


Active Member
There are actually 20-30 cases of the bubonic plague reported in the US each year, and 1 to 2 thousand worldwide, so a few rats getting loose isn't something to fear. As far as Avian flu, I agree with Love. What ever happened to SARS, anyway? Haven't heard much hype about that this year...


Active Member
Is the black plague and the bubonic plague the same thing? I know black DEATH and the bubonic plague are the same thing. Is that what u meant? If so, that disease has been around a LLLOOONNGGG time, because that is what William Shakespeare was terrified about getting. (he didnt)


I was speaking with a co-worker earlier who was doing a job at the Philadelphia INternational Airport and in the customs area there were a group of asian tourists all wearing respirators and partical masks....
don't think that they were avoiding getting the sniffles here in PA now do you?
food for thought...


they actually recreated a 1918 flu virus because it was very similar to this new strain going around, so they can research it better. It was the first time anyone actually reconstructed a deadly virus. Wanna hear something kinda scary about it? They just shipped it normal UPS or DHL... no special carrier, as long as they packed it properly it's ok...