black ribbon eel


New Member
the inside of his mouth seems to be getting much lighter as compared to the rest of his jet black color. it almost looks like its turning white , now its a light grayish. ive had him a couple of months now and he is an excellent eater, never had any probs that ive heared about with this species. best guess is that hes 2-2.5 feet long. does anyone have one that went thru a color change?


Originally Posted by Hunter29
the inside of his mouth seems to be getting much lighter as compared to the rest of his jet black color. it almost looks like its turning white , now its a light grayish. ive had him a couple of months now and he is an excellent eater, never had any probs that ive heared about with this species. best guess is that hes 2-2.5 feet long. does anyone have one that went thru a color change?
If I remember correctly they do go through a color change, but due to the scare of having ribbon eels, there is almost no one, if there is one, that has a ribbon eel besides you. Congrats on keeping him so long, ribbon eels are amazing *wishes he had one, but doesn't want to spend $50-$100 on something is supposedly a sure failure).


from male (black and blue) they change to female....if yours is black it is probably turning into a female which is yellow.


New Member
sorry no camera. what do i need
his nostrils are lightening up now. guess its a front to back change. the rest of his body is still jet black.