Black sand for DSB


New Member
What do you think of using a combo of Seachem Gray Coast Calcite and CaribSea Tropic Isle Tahitian Moon Sand for a new DSB (5-6 inches, injected with Indo-Pacific Sea Farms "livesand activator" package) this is going in a 55 reef, fish & inverts, no coral. I want the black look but is is functional? will the critters like it and bloom? Opinions appreciated.


New Member
Keep in mind that eventhough this is sugar sized sand, it is not Aragonite or even from marine origin I.E: mostly synthetic, although the calcite does have a mild buffering capasity accoring to the manufacturer. Thanks a lot for the help.

mr . salty

Active Member
Sounds good to me.The grain size is right,so I see no reason why it would not work...I have seen "black sand" online before,so it must be OK...


New Member
Yes, I've been to the black sand beach in Hawaii, but that sand is of volcanic origin (carbon?) not calcite or silates - will this make a diff? common you DSB theorists!


I have both black sand and normal sand. The black sand tank is always looking "dirty" because it is really easy to see any lighter colored particles in it.
Having said this, I did get used to it, and now I actually like the look. Sort of...