black spot on my maroon clown


my male maroon clown has a black spot (maybe 2mm diameter) on his lower fin. is this a normal thing or is it some kind of disease?
i have had him for 2 weeks now but it doesnt seem to have gotten any bigger or spread to my other fish


Take a look at the pics in Beth's diseased fish thread. Look at Hyper-Melaninization. This is a reacion from anemone stings. See if it looks like what your clown has.


yeah thats the same thing he has. thanks
only problem now is he has a nice bite out of his tail lol. i suspect its my trigger


Originally Posted by apolyom
yeah thats the same thing he has. thanks
only problem now is he has a nice bite out of his tail lol. i suspect its my trigger
Yep, triggers bite. As far as the marks, they are just scar tissue, nothing contagious. Maroons are agressive fish as well, more so as adults, but I have seen a tiny 1 inch maroon Attack an LFS workes hand. They can be mean as juveniles as well. Keep an eye on the aggressivness. As far as the spots, don't give them any more thought. It is VERY likey that the lfs kept him with an anemone.


they were a pair and they were kept by themselves, i'd like to get an anemone for them could you recomend any?


i suspected the trigger was taking pieces out of my maroons fins but he has been found not guilty! it's actually my blue spot puffer doing it