Black SpotS Cleaner Shrimp


my cleaner shrimp has aquired several black spots around his body. some bigger than others. It dosent seem to have the uniform apperance of black ick but this still worries me. also none of my other inhabitants have had any ick problems or anything of that nature? what could this be>?


noone has any idea about this? no ones ever experienced anything close to this? i know one of you out there has!


Active Member
I had a cleaner with a black spot (maybe 1/4 the size of a pencil eraser size) but he died within a short time of getting him, I don't know if it was the black spot or not. (Sorry I can't be of more help)


ive noticed the shrimp trying to steal food from my bta, is it possible that the black spots are a reaction to the nemacytes or w/e


Active Member
Look up "Black Spot Disease" in shrimp. I saw it all the time when I caught WC shrimp on a weekly bases.