Black spots on my clown


New Member
Hello new to the forum and new to tanks.
Today when I was doing water changes I notice that my adult clown had black spots on him or her. Ahh is this something I should worry about? Hes eating and active I just never seen these spots before. He has been in my tank now for about 6 weeks. The tank has been around since 9/15 it is a 12 gal nano cube.
Also how bad are brittle worms?
Any sugestions I am a bit worried?


Active Member
Got any pics? What kind of clown?
Bristleworms are usually harmless, unless they get extremely overpopulated and they start attacking/eating corals. They usually do no harm and are beneficial cleanup workers. if you do however want to catch them, your best best is to do it at night, after you have turned the lights off for a while...They come out when it's dark.