Black spots on Regal


Found black spots on the regal tang yesterday... appeared to come out of nowhere, as we check the tank daily (visually)... kept trying to make the yellow watchman clean off whatever it is! (Oddest thing I have EVER seen!). Pulled him out immediately and put him in QT tank. Whatsamatter with him? What treatments are recommended? He's best buds with my Osc. clown, and since having pulled him out, clown is not a happy camper (not to mention I'm sure the sick regal is not a happy camper either). Diet is shrimp, spirulina, etc veggie flakes... Have had him about a month, kept him quarantined for first few weeks then introduced him to tank, no sign of sickness til now. So far (yesterday-today) have treated him with a general antibiotic. He is still eating good, and appears to be happier, although the black spots are still rather large, and do not appear to be going away. Regal is approx 1 inch in length, black spots are maybe 1/16-1/8 in diameter, probably 5 or 6 per side. Suggestions?
Water parameters...
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40 (did a partial water change)
PH 8.2
SG 1.023
Sal 31
90 gallons, LS, reef (slowly but surely)


Staff member
Could it be Black ich. Good that you pulled him for treatment.
The treatment for black ick is formalin dips 20 drops per gallon in a deadicated container [not the QT]. The dip should last 45 minutes and must be aerated during treatment. The procedure should be repeated every other day for 3 to 5 treatments. Disguard treatment water after each bath. You can use the water in your QT for bathe. Make sure the water is well aerated, as formalin depletes o2.
Black ich looks like ich, only black. Is that what you are seeing?


Beth, I have seen black ick before on yellow tangs, and this is not the same. These spots are much larger, don't have a camera, but picture if you will if you put a sharpie dot on a piece of bathroom tissue and it bleeds or expands a little. Black ick looks more like pepper flakes, and these are just big round black spots.
P.S. I will try the formalin dip anyway - thanks!


Staff member
No, don't do the formalin unless you have to. It is a potent drug, and shouldn't really be used unless necessary.
What are your water readings?


Beth, see above for water readings - they were taken the same day I QT'd the fish - I always check the same day, so they would be as of Saturday - 2 days ago.