Black spots on Tang


My tang has some small black spots on it. I think ich is white. I've only had him a few weeks and I think he has had them since I got him. He has started swimming by rocks almost like he is trying to brush them off. He also stays in front of one of my filter exhausts like he is letting the water flow over him. There are no spots on his side where his fins flap his side. I don't see anything on the other fish and all are eating and acting OK.
Should I be worried? Anyone know what this is?
You may have to zoom in on the picture to see what I am talking about.
Here is link to larger picture if needed.


Active Member
Your link does not work. A good picture would be helpful.
There is another reasonably common disease called black ich. It looks similar to regular ich except the spots are black. This is treated differently (usually with formalin baths). It is often easier to see black ich then white ich on a light colored fish like a yellow tang as the diseases will sometimes occur at the same time.
Is this a recent addition? Do you quarantine?
Welcome to the Boards!


Active Member
That link worked fine after I clicked on the side bar "tang".
It looks and sounds like black ich to me. I would recommend formalin treatments. These are outlined in the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum.
Just keep a close eye on your fish during treatment. I have heard of several instances in which both black ich and regular ich existed at the same time. Tangs tend to be magnets for ich.
One additional point, your tang looks pretty thin. Make sure it gets lots of veggies and high quality foods during treatment.


Someone else said he looked thin. He gets flake, shrimp pelettes, and dried seaweed. I don't know how much he should be eating. He seems to like the seaweed. Don't overfeed gets Pounded by most people, so I have been trying not to overload. Any other foods that you would suggest? Should I put bigger pieces of the seaweed in?


Active Member
id suggest frozen brine, mysis, or kirll, formula one, formula two and spirulina formula. to much dry food is not good for larger fish.
maybe its the same disease as black ich but i think its called brooknellya? it is a deadly disease so try and treat him as soon as possible as per elfdoctors suggestions.


Active Member
bdhough's suggestions for food were good ones. Dried seaweed or nori, (e.g. seaweed selects) should also be offered.
Tangs are usually caught in the ocean and then shipped. Most new tangs seem to be thin after getting over the stress of shipping and not eating for some time.
Brooklynella is a completely different disease from black ich although both can be treated with formalin.


The spots are on the skin. He scratches against rocks and stays in an area with good water flow. The LFS has suggested that a formalin bath or freshwater bath, really anything taking him out of the tank, would over stress him. They suggest a product called green-x to treat the tank. I don't have a hospital tank. I have two anemones so that is why they don't suggest copper. Another shop said be carefull because the green-x could damage the anemones if overdosed. His color is not an even bright yellow all over. Some places, generally around the head are more white while fins are more yellow. I am thinking this is a sign of stress. I am agreeing that a formalin bath may be too stressful. I am leaning toward trying the green-x, mostly because of the stress level. He is still eating well, but I think he is stressed trying to get the ich off him. Any comments on green-x?


I would love to read some. I'm sure others would also. I don't know how to get in touch with you other than posting a reply. Please direct me to anything that will help.