black spots


Active Member
I have 2 mated pair of ocell clowns and 3 clown percs and all of them are in the same tank and im starting to see black spots on them what is this and can it get worse or can it be prvented


Active Member
salinty 1.023 , trate 5 tite 0 amonia0 ph 8.1 alk perfect cal 450 fish are swimming and eating just fine should I be worried


Active Member
How are all those clowns not killing each other? :thinking:
Are they hosting any corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ibew
no they do not fight or pic on each other and havent become territorial

They will.
By hosting I mean are they rubbing/sleeping in any corals? Sometimes they will get black marks from getting stung by the corals.


Active Member
I havent noticed I have a bunch of softies a toadstool some zoos and polpys and mushrooms


Active Member
the weird part is I have a mated pair in fuge down below and there isnt any corals just some rock sand micro and they have a couple black marks 2


Active Member
very good pics that does explain everything but the 2 mated pair in the fuge how could they get stung from micro and LR