black tip pics


Anyone able to get any good pics of they're or someon elses black tips i was trying the other day and it was next to impossible to get a nice clear shot they just swim to damn much for my camera. and they are just so graceful course it was dark too. that may have been the problem. If you got em post em. Please


Active Member
how long have you had them? what size tank? how big are they? i would love to see even a crappy pic of yours


actually they were someone elses but couldn't even get a crappy pic
it was in like a 40,000 gallon tank they had like 6 it was awsome i'll snap some pics next time i'm there.


Active Member
RELEASED??? u mean those poor things aren't DEAD???
Oh what a disturbing photo...I DO hope I am understanding you correctly and that those sharks are, in fact, still alive and were allowed to go about their business...even WITH the massive gashes in their mouths.....


Active Member
Come on now they are sharks... They heal very well and were only out of the water for about a minute... And yes they were relesed back into the water alive and thrashing. to one day eat a surfer...he he....
Really we were not trying to catch these sharks they are just like bluegill in the ocean. Always snagging the bait before the big fish can get to them...

salty tank

I fished off the beach just like him and caught 3 black tips, a couple of crabs and some other odd fish. I had the same setup, a pole in the sand, just hangin out drinkin on the beach fishin in

head. The black tips are fine trust me, i kept mine out of water for about 3-5 mins tops and they were ok. I used squid and shrimp as bait.