Black trigger fish & reef tank


New Member
is it safe to introduce this fish to a reef tank ?
If yes , what is better small fish or a big one ?


I've heard from a few sources it is ok to add a Niger Trigger to a reef tank (reefsafe). One was a LFS advertising the fact. Couldn't tell you from experience though.


I've heard that the niger is really the only trigger that is somewhat reef safe. I just bought a 2" niger for my 54g corner FO tank. However, it would be nice to have it in my 180g reef tank. Let me know how is goes.


New Member
IME as a general rule if a trigger has a upturned mouth like the Niger or the Crosshatch triggers they are " Reef Friendly" But once again you are taking a chance it depends on each individual fish.

pb here

Are you asking about the NIger or the Hawaiian Black? I have a Niger Trigger in my 75 gal reef and he is actually blue. I have not had him long but so far so good.


Active Member

Originally posted by PB Here
Are you asking about the NIger or the Hawaiian Black?

Exactly... they are different species, so it's important that we know which you are asking about.
I had a niger in my 75g reef for well over a year. Never had any problems... he was a great part of my reef. I ended up giving him back to my lfs when I moved my 75 over to a new 44g tank.

p fish

I put my niger in my reef and he started right in eating on everything he could, I had to get him out with the quickness:eek:


Active Member
im pretty sure murph has a pink tail trigger in his reef without any problems, but i could be wrong.