Black Triggerfish



So im finally set on what type of triggerfish I want. Im on the hunt for a black triggerfish. If any one spots one for a decent price let me know. If you see them in your area Ill buy if your willing to pick it up and ship. nothing too big, 4-6 inches maybe.


Active Member
I am sure he is referring to a Durgeon, as niger's are very common.
A local shop just had a nice 6 inch durgeon two weeks ago. If anymore come in, I will send you a PM.


give us your email address, since we can't post comp. websites here. I know a place to get them at a decent price, not sure but your probably gonna want the indian variety (Melichthys indicus) and not the hawaiian(Melichthys niger) since the hawaiians are much bigger.


Active Member
The Niger is actually the name of the Hawaiian black trigger (Melicthys Niger). If you want the one that is in Bioneck's avatar then you want the Melicthys Niger. The Melicthys Indicus is the Durgeon and most common in trade.


I think when it was stated he does not want the niger, they meant he does not want the odonus niger. I do agree with the hawiian being a sweet trig.. i have a 7" blue jaw who has too much personality


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The Niger is actually the name of the Hawaiian black trigger (Melicthys Niger). If you want the one that is in Bioneck's avatar then you want the Melicthys Niger. The Melicthys Indicus is the Durgeon and most common in trade.
Yup, that's true. I have the Melicthys indicus and they are really nice looking fish too. Of course they are much smaller than the MN triggers but are very similar.


Originally Posted by Jaymz
I think when it was stated he does not want the niger, they meant odonus niger. I do agree with the hawiian being a sweet trig.. i have a 7" blue jaw who has too much personality
No, I'm pretty sure MaxB wants the hawaiian black trigger (melicthys niger) and not the niger trigger.