Black/Yellow Spots ... SNAPPER???


I was at my local fish store yesterday and saw a really cool fish. It was black with yellow spots or dots. It was about 1" long. They said it was a snapper but not sure what kind. I read through a couple of books and could not find this fish. I did however find that snappers are territorial. Since I have a pretty calm tank I am not sure if that would be for me. Has anyone had experience with a fish like what I have described? Is it a snapper? If so are snappers as I described from what I read? Any info will be helpful and used as the store is holding the fish for me so I could talk to you guys and get some input. Thanx in advance.


Active Member
might be a juvi malcolor niger, but im not sure. its possible that its a rarer species that is rarely imported. whats the prize on it? btw, the name snapper comes from their bad habit (especially the mangrove, lutjanus griseus) to snap at the hands of an angler trying to remove a hook. bo


Well under further research I have come to the conclusion that the girl (young and didn't know what the h*ll she was talking about) was wrong. I am coming up with it being a grouper. Does this sound more acurate to anyone. If so please give me feed back on this fish. He is really cool and I would like to get him. The price is $40.00.


I have a powder blue tang, lunar wrasse, spotted puffer, mandrin gobie, a couple of blennies, half black angel, and a clown, along with a horse shoe crab that I never see.


None of these pictures look like it. The spots are bigger then those shown on the juvi and much brighter. It is about 1" long at this time. I am getting close to giving up on this one as I am not 100% sure what it is. Maybe I will try to go down there and take picture and post it to show you. It is about 30 miles away so getting there isn't easy but I will try.