blackand white clown


My Pair of BW clowns hosted with 2 hours in my BTA.... Very kewl... They sleep in it at night, and hover around it during the day...


ok thanks i just got two and i have 2 rbtas so hopefully they will host,only my coral beauty and six line wrasse are not making them welcome


I don't have a wrasse in my tank, but I do have a very Gental Coral Beauty.... He never harms anything... he picks at rocks and glass, but never my corrals, or other fish....



ive had my coral beauty for a year in a 29gl and never had a problem now i went to a 60gl and both think they are in charge they even follow each other around the whole tank and pick on other fish together, recently found out that the coral b. likes clams and sps

a sea k

I got my B&W occ. from the LFS that came back after he failed to host for the origanal purchaser. I placed him in my 65 with a Perc that was hosting a BTA, the new B&W clown was hosting within 15 mins, He did not allow my litlle perc in or near the nem after that and was returned to the LFS after several weeks.


Are the clowns in the first pics Black and White's? They look like clarkii/Sebae to me with the yellow/orange face's and fins. Also what do you all think about keeing clowns in pairs or having a single? Not to sound silly but I wonder if having just one clown (with other fish of course) that hey would be lonley!

On a side note i'm trying to decide on what kind of clowns, i've had percs before and loved em, but I really like the look of the black and white's and clarkii/sebae's. anyone who reads this should say thier favorite type of clown, i'm curious!


Originally Posted by Beavis4040
Are the clowns in the first pics Black and White's? They look like clarkii/Sebae to me with the yellow/orange face's and fins. Also what do you all think about keeing clowns in pairs or having a single? Not to sound silly but I wonder if having just one clown (with other fish of course) that hey would be lonley!

Darthsimons clowns are A. polymnus, completely different species from A. percula. Any yes, you can keep a single clown no problem.


I guess it depends on what you consider to be a b/w, which, is a TERRIBLE common name. Typically b/w clowns are known as black variant A. ocellaris, like saltnoob's, yours were A. polymnus or the common name of saddlebacks. At least the visible one is, can't tell for sure on the one in the center of the bta in the first pic.


Originally Posted by riccio
Darthsimons clowns are A. polymnus, completely different species from A. percula. Any yes, you can keep a single clown no problem.
They look like juvinile A. Ocellaris to me. The B&W variant of A. Ocellaris looses the orange face as it matures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CoralDude
The B&W variant of A. Ocellaris looses the orange face as it matures.
Most of the time. :)


New Member
the two clowns I bought a while back look exactly like the clowns in the picture (B&W w/yellow fins) and the store had them labeled as black sebae clowns.


Now A. sebae are similar looking to A. polymnus (which Darthsimon's are), so that is a possibility. Do you have any pics?


Now A. sebae are similar looking to A. polymnus (which Darthsimon's are), so that is a possibility. Do you have any pics?