Blackcap Basslet really Reef Safe?


New Member
Anyone ever witnessed or suspected that their blackcap basslet was consuming cleaner shrimp? My first shrimp disappeared after a couple of months in the tank. I ordered a new one from SWF that arrived yesterday, was one of the smallest I have ever seen and now is nowhere to be found. My other tank inhabitants include purple tang, coral beauty angel, damsel, percula clown.
Thanks for any insight


Active Member
My blackcap has never bothered any of my inverts. Are you sure the shrimp isn't just hiding?


New Member
Not completely sure he isn't hiding--just suspicious, since the larger shrimp disappeared and I haven't seen the new one since within the first couple of hours I put him in the tank. I have seen my basslet flare his mouth open when defending his territory and it looks like he could easily swallow a shrimp


Active Member
I gave two of them away. They can just get VIOLENT and want to take over your whole tank in my experience. Although they are supposed to eat smaller members such as pods and so forth, I wouldnt be surprised to see one eat a smaller ornamental shrimp. Their max size, from what I have seen, is about 4 inches. Then they have to eat something if the pods arent cutting it. Besides, it is nearly fun to catch them in the event that you want to get them out of your tank.


Active Member
Neither one of the blackcaps I have had have been mean, but they were both the last fish added.