Blackfoot Lionfish???



I was just curious if anyone had any specifics about the Blackfoot Lionfish??? I came across someone talking about it in a post and looked it up on this site and it showed a picture of one. Gorgeous lionfish!!! The only problem is that the site didn't have much information about it, and I can't find anything about them by searching either.
If anyone has any pictures, information (i.e. size full grown, tank size needed, etc.), anything at all, that would be very much appreciated.
My fiance saw it and really would like to get one in the future for his FOWLR tank he will eventually be setting up.
Thanks in advance for any info given


Active Member
tho gorgeous theyre very fragile, they come from the deep so they need a chiller and often die quick from misshipping


I figured they would probably be harder to keep since they seemed as though they were a rare species. So they are a cold water fish then???


It is a cooler water species, chances are slim even with a chiller. When they are shipped the supplier keeps them in warm waters, than the LFS, by the time you get it, the lion is probably doomed. They did have them out a few years ago in the hobby, a few tried them, even with proper tank set up, the lion died.
I would say don't bother, chances are slim, very slim. If I remember right they get about the same size as a fuzzy dwarf.


I appreciate the info. So it is definitely not a starter aggressive fish, and probably not even a possibility for the future either. It's ashame because they have beautiful coloring.
Like I said, I very much appreciate the information provided. Too bad they weren't easier to take care of, but I suppose it comes with the territory of rare fish.
Thanks guys!!!