"blasting" LR w/ powerheads?

reef dude

I was on a website a while back and i saw how they said that it is important to "blast" your live rock with powerheads every once in a while because it blows off all of that brownish silt/dust that accumulates. My tank has reached the 6 and a half month mark and today i decided to aim my powerhead onto a few pieces of my liverock and holy crud!! my tank filled up with dust/silt within minutes. I guess its good in a way because now i know most of that crud will be gone... Was this a good idea or something you shouldnt really do??? I've heard that it has something to do with nitrifying bacteria and the production of "die off" i guess??? Has anyone ever heard of this or done it before??????


Well, I'm doing this right now as well. Only I wouldn't consider my poor powerhead as 'blasting'. Someone on here told me to do this to get rid of the dusty look. Seems to be working, although I am digging a trench around the rock...lol.

reef dude

ok good, at least im not the only one then! Does anyone know how often this needs to be done or is it a one time thing??
I don't like to remove my powerheads from the glass that often, so I use a turkey baster for the same effect. I do it about once about every week or two. Cleans off the rock nicley and the tank clears up in about an hour or so.


Active Member
I use a turkey baster as well. I do it for 2 reasons... to clean of the sand and debris that accumulates on the rock, and to help spread coraline algae spores. I do it when I think of it... probably every couple of weeks or so. Depends on how often I'm in my tank.


Active Member
Powerheads aimed across lr is a good idea. It does spread coralline growth. It will not however keep debris from accumulating in smaller areas not meeting with a lot of current.