Blasto's Favites and acans???


I have 40 watts of PC lighting on my ten gallon. Im just trying to find out what corals i can keep and what i cant, and these are of particular interest. Is there any of these that can be kept in my tank???


Sure. Any of the above. The blastomussas would probably do best as lighting is not HIGH. However, you could keep all of them the tank, but the acan and favites would probably not grow
or show true colors. Blastos love low light though, and woudl probably do great.


I think all would do well. All those are med-high light and that lighting on a 10 gallon I would consider med lighting.


Active Member
blastos are definatly lower light corals and would flourish. the micros and acans I think would do ok but their growth wouldnt be spectacularly fast, but ample spot feeding would help.