Bleached hybrid frogspawn at LFS


There's this hyrbid (green and purple) frogspawn at my LFS and it's really nice looking. I don't know how many heads it has, but its about 4 inches long. The only problem is it's $120 and looks bleached. It's got nice tips, but everything else is clear or ultra neon...
Just wanted everyones opinion on this? Is this maybe just part of the hybrid colors? (I'd guess not because he had other hybrids of the same color that weren't bleached.)
I kinda wish it was part of the hybrid colors cause if it is, it looks pretty cool. Would it be dumb to buy it? How long would it take to get it's color back?


If it is a pretty neon green while bleached, then it will be a plain ol green when it get's it's zooxanthellae back.
Don't waste your money on a coral that's already bleached.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
If it is a pretty neon green while bleached, then it will be a plain ol green when it get's it's zooxanthellae back.
Don't waste your money on a coral that's already bleached.
- If you are feeling daring, offer him $25 to see if you can nurse it back to health or make him guarantee it.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
If it is a pretty neon green while bleached, then it will be a plain ol green when it get's it's zooxanthellae back.
Don't waste your money on a coral that's already bleached.
It's a bicolor of green and pink. But it's also blached so I didn't know if that was part of the hybrid "ness" of the coral haha.
Anyways.. Lash, I doubt he'd do that.. the way I see it, he could keep it in his tank until it comes back o health, or until someone stupid enough buys it. Either way it'll sell in time.. ha