bleached-looking brain coral


We've had an open brain coral in our tank since it was set up about 6 months ago. For the past several weeks he's looked bleached out and shrunken (not puffed up).
Has he lost his zooxanthallae? Is there anything we can do? We've got great lighting (4x 96w, half full spectrum half actinic for a 90g tank), he's about 16" from the lights and was happy as a clam
for months.


Has it lost it's colour in patches or all over? If it has then it is bleaching. The most common cause is a period of high temperature.


It's seems consistently all over the coral. We haven't had any temperature swings that I'm aware of - we're keeping a pretty constant 75-78 and it's not anywhere near the lights. But aything's possible.
Is there anything I can do for it?