Bleaching dried coral


I read that you can bleach dried coral (water/bleach) for 24 hrs to get rid of brown algae etc. Is there a measurement as to how much bleach to use and how good is good enough washing away bleach afterwards? I don't want to boil and scrub them.:help:


It is white dried coral as best as I can describe it. I did find a post which stated that bleach can slowly leach out from the pores and kill the fish. Is this true?


Back in the old days when dead coral was the thing, I used to bleach the skeletons every couple of weeks. I used a pretty strong solution maybe 1/2 cup bleach per gallon of water. It would only take an hour. I would then rinse it and then soak it for another hour in an aquarium de-chlorinator, a teaspoon per gallon (about 10X the normal amount). Finally rinse it again and put it back into the tank with the fish. Don't worry about the bleach leaching out over time, chlorine won't stay in water long. If you don't decon the coral enough you'll know it within a short time. The smallest tank I did this on was a 5 gallon so any problems should have appeared pretty fast. I did this for a couple of years without any noticable problems. These tanks had no live rock or live corals.


NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are only asking for problems if you use BLEACH and an aquarium. If you want to clean the coral,,,,,,,, Simply take it out of the tank and let it sit in the sun. The sun will naturally bleach the coral without chemicals.............


Active Member
Bleach the coral in a solution of about 10-20% bleach...dont use any scented bleaches...soak it for about 24 hours or so.
Rinse until you do not smell the bleach any longer.
Sodium Hypochlorite dissipates pretty quickly and easily