bleaching leather


Active Member
I have a leather thats not looking too good - has a nice white streak on its side and edges.
Doesn't seem normal.
any ideas?


Active Member
lighting - 300 watts 10k and act...
I didn't measure parameters yet, but have plenty of corals with zero problems. This has been a chronic thing with this coral. I've been trying to move him around to see if that helps. Its not withdrawn, but its not to its fullest either. Big whire stripe on the outside and some on edges.


Active Member
Make sure it is in a good flow area. If it is shedding the flow will help it to do this. Leathers don't like to be moved around alot, so once you get it in a good flow area just leave it and see how it does. Also, make sure you run some carbon in your tank with leathers.......
