blennies/jawfish compatible?


New Member
can a lawnmower blenny and a yellowhead jawfish live together?
i have the jawfish, and now a hair algae growing.
also have a coral banded shrimp...can an enerald crab or hermits that eat algea go with this shrimp?
(also have 3 starfish, tassled filefish, 2 bangai cardinals, 6 turbo snails)
thanks again!


i have 2 jawfish and a lawnmower blenny. they have no problems whatsoever. my tilefish has problems with my jawfish, and the scooter blennies love to annoy him. other than that i would not worry.


Active Member
the only things my lawnmower has any probs with is the tang, does not seem to like the competition, lol, nothing nasty, just every once in a while teh tang bumps him/her, and it bumps bak after it gets fed up, that and it does not like teh nassarius snails, constantly picks them up and moves tehm to another location where it isn't and then spits them out


I'd like to add a question to this. How about a lawnmower and a bicolor blenny, will they get along. Just wondering if two different blennies would fight with eachother.