
shadow puppet

New Member
I'd like to get a lawnmower blennie, and a bi-color blennie, but I'd like to know if the two of them would get along? or would they chase one another. I know blennies are aggressive towards similiar looking blennies, but are these two different enough?


I have a lawnmower blenny and a diamond goby. When I added the diamond, a huge turf war ensued! Now things are peaceful again, but they had me worried for a while! The lawnmower would slam the diamond against the rocks sometimes. It got so bad that I was considering returning the lawnmower, but they have, as I said before, worked it out. I would say, just be cautious and keep a close eye on them if you decide to go with the two. If I had it to do over, I would not have done it.

shadow puppet

New Member
I most likely wont get both, now. Don't really want to have too much aggression, and since I only have a 65 gallon, and so far, only 16 lbs of LR, there probably aren't quite enough hiding places..