Blenny diving into sand with tail


Hi, I have a question.
When my 90g finished cycling about 2wks ago I added 2 small false percs and a bicolor blenny. About 3 days ago I noticed the blenny diving into the sandbed (not headfirst, more with his tailend) almost as if he were trying to scratch himself. At about the same time I noticed he finally allowed my cleaner shrimp to approach him and start cleaning him (the shrimp had been trying since I got him about a week ago). My first thought/fear was...ich. But it's been three days and I still can't see any white spots or markings? It now seems like he might just be trying to kick up food laying on the sandbed, has anyone else had a blenny (or anything) which exhibited this kind of behaviour (and it wasn't ich)?
After I added the fish my system went thru a 2nd mini cycle (Am rose to .25 and NO2 rose to a high of .2 but those readings have since come down). Just wondering if that added stress could have invited a parasitic infection. The 2nd mini cycle wasn't too bad entire cleaning crew (including a starfish) made it thru.
He's an odd little guy maybe he's just 2 beers short of a sixpack??
btw, I previously posted this question in the fish forum but got no response so I decided to try "disease and treatment"


Sorry you didn't get a response there.I haven't had a blenny,but I have a coral beuty that acts strange like that at times.I wouldn't worry about it enless you find other sins of disease such as heavy breathing spots or something like that!!


Thanks Trey,
I guess I'm just a little nervous because I now realize (being a newbie) that I probably should have QT'd and/or dipped before adding my first three fish (does that make me a hypochondriac...for my fish??). It's a mistake I won't make again, but I want to make sure everything's copacetic (there's a 70's word for ya) before I add anything else.
After watching him (closely) for 3 days, it's now become a common pattern. He swims out of his hole (in a piece of LR), smacks the sandbed with his tail 2-3 times, and then picks up something off the substrate (I guess looking for food).
The fact that he has a tendency to dart everywhere, look nervous, and then breath heavily didn't help matters. But I guess I now realize he's just a twitchy, high-strung little bast**d. :D


Active Member
With my blennies I always make sure they have a barnacle in their tank. They love to pull up to it and back in tail first and watch the world go buy. If you don't have one I would get one real or otherwise and I think your Blennie will be much happier. Anything with a few holes will do.


It's funny you should say that...
I had a very small powerhead in one of the bottom corners of my tank (blowing across the substrate) which I had turned off because it was kicking up too much sand. One day I looked in and discovered my blenny's head sticking out of the powerhead nozzle...he had attempted to make a home for himself inside the powerhead. lol.
Like I said...2 beers short of a sixpack. :D