Blenny or Goby? What Kind?


I'm looking down the road at my next fish addition to my 46 Gal Bowfront tank (2+ months setup) and would like some input.
75 lbs Live Rock
50 lbs Live Sand
(5) Small Blue/Green Chromis (Will be moving 2 to another SW Tank I'm setting up)
(1) O.Clownfish (a 2nd is on the way to replace one that didn't want to eat after a couple of days)
10-15 Hermits - Scarlet/Blue
20+ Snails (2 or 3 kinds, and I think a few have been eaten by hungry Hermits
2 Emerald Crabs
Anyhow, I'm looking at some type of Sand Sifting type fish to take care of my fairly deep sandbed... the snails do eat the stuff from the top, but want something to sift a little better...
I was looking at a Yellow Watchman Goby, but not sure if I should consider some type of Blenny instead... Does anyone have any suggestions...


Active Member
I’d say neither and would instead increase your waterflow over you bed, which will help keep detritus from accumulating and it will also help keep the detritus suspended in your water column so that your skimmer will pull it out. If you are set on getting something that will move sand then I recommend Nassarius snails.


I would reccomend a Jawfish. Their favorite thing to do is to completely re-arrange your sand bed! They are very personable, and will definately "take care of your sandbed". My blue spot is my fav. fish!


Originally Posted by Jawfish101
I would reccomend a Jawfish. Their favorite thing to do is to completely re-arrange your sand bed! They are very personable, and will definately "take care of your sandbed". My blue spot is my fav. fish!
Are they hard to keep in a smallish, peaceful community, FOWLR tank?


New Member
I have an orangespotted sleeper goby and a scooter blenny, both of which are not considered the easiest fish because they do not readily accept any offered foods. The goby is very fun to watch ***) , he will take a mouth full of sand and either spit it to another location, if he's digging a hole, or sift it through his gills, if he is just cleaning it. The blenny is very dainty, only picking up one grain of sand at a time and spitting it out. Since you probably only have room for one, I'd go with a Goby, mine started eating brine shrimp after a couple of weeks in the tank.


I'm also looking for good Color Variation in my tank and things that are also "cool" to watch...
In the LONG term, I'm hoping to have (2) Clownfish, (1) Goby/Blenny type fish, (1) Royal Gramma Basslet and (1) Flame OR Coral Beauty Angelfish...
Thats why I was thinking the Yellow Watchman, but don't really have my heart set on that...
I'm also not excited about having to worry about a lid or egg-crate as these goby/blenny might be considered a "flight risk" or "carpet surfer"...